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Parking opposite a plot driveway So much distance must be maintained

Munster is considered cycling city – but over 83 percent of the adult Münster also have a car because the parking space can sometimes be a challenge. Especially to find a free parking space in town center, takes time and nerves. To save these cars are always parked in front of a lot entrance – despite the knowledge that this is prohibited. But what about parking, opposite a plot driveway? If the entering and exiting vehicles here too severely hampered? Read below for more.

Usually driveways can be identified by a lower lowered curb. In this way, they represent a visible connection to the public road. If the curb is lowered, but also signs or markings on the road can indicate an entrance or exit.

Legal regulation: How far is the parking ban is in driveways?

The legal requirements for stopping and parking a vehicle in the road traffic regulations (StVO) to see with § 12. Basically: “Whoever leaves his car or lasts longer than three minutes, which is parked.” (Highway Code § 12 para. 2) Before Grundstücksein- entrances and exits, parking is always prohibited. By law, however, it is furthermore prohibited to park across the street from such access roads when the road is narrow. More detailed specifications do not exist for this purpose.

Therefore necessary to ensure that incoming and outgoing vehicles are not hindered. Sometimes signs are mounted on the access road, which say: “Entry and exit free also hold opposite”. As long as enough space on the road, but this must not be considered. However, it may be an indication that the road is too narrow if the parking seeker is itself uncertain.

How much space is sufficient over a driveway?

Many car are of different lengths and different widths, which is why not to take any general statement about the required distance to an entrance and exit. Basically, a certain safe distance from the parked cars and some room for maneuvering must be considered. Since the maximum width of the vehicle is for passenger cars in Germany at 2.55 meters, 3 meters could be enough space between the own car and the opposite approach. To be on the safe side, this value should not be exceeded.

Incidentally, even when the driver, the zoom in the driveway or want to drive out of it, something has to maneuver, the opposite Parking is not permitted. According to the OLG Saarbrücken (Ref .: Sa (Z) 227/93) applies a lane for purposes of traffic only as narrow when leaving the property driveway due to the over parked vehicle no longer “only moderate maneuvering” is possible.

Keep to a plot Entrance: When is this allowed?

Those who want to keep in front of or over a land entrance only, without fear of consequences. While keeping the motorists will often sit in the vehicle. but he must leave it for a maximum of three minutes. however, he should stay within sight of the car, because he must at all times be able to switch the car if its position hampered the cars switched to the land access and outgoing. who want to use the driveway mainly those – – In addition, other road users must be able to recognize that the driver can drive away his car at any moment.

In the free guide you will find useful information on the subject, for example, the penalties for illegally parked vehicles before and are levied on a driveway and whether parking is allowed in front of their own property driveway.