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Wohnformen im Alter

Living arrangements in old age

At the age not be alone – this is the greatest wish of many people. In addition, as long as self-determined as possible live and be still active at best. If this is also exactly your wishful thinking corresponds to you but perhaps not yet discovered the right solution, we would like to present a few variants to which you have not yet thought may, or are you possibly even not yet known. Maybe you find exactly what you’re looking for your personal happiness.

Of residential communities for seniors You have probably heard. This option has the advantage of being located in a community that maintains its independence as long as possible, but still has its own premises as a retreat.

The concept of multi-generational house enjoys increasing popularity. Here different age groups living under one roof and can get involved in the community according to their abilities.

These two mentioned types of housing can be implemented if necessary also in combination with professional care. Feel approached by one of these options, we support you in finding the right solution.

But we should like to introduce you to a very different version, too.

Mini houses are still relatively unknown in Germany. prefabricated in modules can be completed within the shortest possible time and individually adapted. The cottages Cubigs mentioned offer a variety of advantages and can always be adapted to your individual situation. Amenities, size, extras, everything can be selected according to your taste.

We will certainly find the right solution for your happy future.