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Testament / Vorsorge

Testament and pension

The theme of inheritance is tricky for many people since it finally the confrontation with one’s own mortality means. Both talks about the legacy and the actual writing of a will be like delayed.

A testament early stage be placed to avoid disputes in the family – should nevertheless – especially when it comes to a property. Properties are often among the economically and emotionally important assets of an inheritance. However, a will is only valid if the form and content are correct. Therefore, it is advisable early on to clear this vexing issue out of the way with tranquility and best with the right professional support. Only when all issues are clarified in time and will also be discussed openly with the heirs, as you would imagine the inheritance, nasty surprises are avoided and you can start carefree retirement.

If the child already fallen into the well? Have already created tensions? With Ms. Magri we have for such cases a certified mediator at hand, solve the deadlocked situations and can direct talks on the right track.

However, not only in relation to your wealth, it is important time to make all arrangements. Even things like insurance, memberships, age Versorge and burial wishes should be regulated in advance. In particular, the digital estate is still often neglected. User accounts on the Internet or online contracts concluded consist death initially on. Do not let your family with this flood of data alone. To assist you in the administration of estates, we give you a form created, covering all areas that should be dealt with in advance. Just take a look in and like to contact us for further help to you.

While many people but still reasonably have the theme Testament on the screen, you unfortunately experienced as a real estate agent again the consequences of a lack of preparedness in the event of unforeseen circumstances such as illness or accident.  Members are then often faced with the challenge of having to sell a property, for example to cover the cost of a nursing home or similar. But then, all too often, it turns out that this is not legally possible, since no provision was made by the owner. Spouses, family members and relatives are not automatically entitled to represent! Transactions may be carried out only if a valid power of attorney. If this is not the case, others decide what happens next. This applies to medical matter and for financial affairs and business activities. Do not give up control of your future in someone else’s hands! Empower view the people you trust.

Talk to us about security and prevention of, we will inform you in detail. We are happy if you can carefree plan your second half of life.

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Articles about Testament and Provisioning